Grassroots Investments

SK2 invests in socially and environmentally committed small businesses positively impacting their communities in emerging economies.

SK2’s primary role as a foundation impact investor is to provide flexible, affordable, and patient capital to socially and environmentally committed small businesses accelerating transition to a more equitable and sustainable world. Everyday small businesses are the backbone of developing world economies. These “missing middle” small businesses are too big for microfinance institutions, but too small and risky for most commercial banks and impact investors.

All grassroots investees must currently demonstrate or commit to implement the following investment criteria:

Job creation, increased incomes for disadvantaged populations from low-income communities, including indigenous & ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and rural smallholder farmers. We believe the free market must be made more equitable for marginalized populations often excluded from mainstream economic opportunities.

Economic empowerment of women through preferential access to financing and enhanced employment and income generation opportunities. Following our core belief in gender equity, we are pursuing a grassroots portfolio comprised of 50% women-owned businesses.

Just treatment of employees evidenced by providing above average wages and benefits to employees relative to their industries and geographies. In addition, investees must exhibit a culture of respect, non-discrimination, and commitment to workplace safety.

Environmental responsibility demonstrated by reducing the ecological impact of business operations. This includes more efficient energy usage and transport, waste material reduction and repurposing, conscious raw materials sourcing, and working to minimize or eliminate emissions and pollution.

For a complete list of the current SK2 Grassroots Portfolio, click here.

SK2 Fund, Creative capital for people and planet